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AWS Secrets


This secret is used to securely store the information needed to bootstrap the setup process and request access tokens from Salesforce for the SCC-AC Connected App. The secret will have 6 entries by the end of the guided setup process:

  • CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY: The consumer key for the SCC-AC Connected App
  • CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_SECRET: The consumer secret for the SCC-AC Connected App
  • CERTIFICATE_KEY_PASSWORD: The desired password you would like to be used to secure the Java KeyStore file generated during guided setup and placed in S3 by the SCCAC-CertificateManagementFunction.
  • CERTIFICATE_PUBLIC_KEY: The public key for the self-signed certificate generated during guided setup and enclosed in the Java KeyStore file
  • CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY: The private key for the certificate
  • API_ACCESS_USER_NAME: The username of the Salesforce user with access to the SCC-AC Connected App that will be used to request access tokens to make API calls to Salesforce


This secret is used to securely cache the access token retrieved from Salesforce for making API calls via the SCC-AC Connected App — this decreases overall latency significantly by requesting a new access token only when the previously-vended token expires. When one of the SCC-AC Lambda functions that makes API calls to Salesforce gets back a response indicating that the token is expired, a new token is requested from the Salesforce org and stored in this secret.