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Installing SCC-AC in Your Salesforce Organization

  1. Installing managed package:
    1. Search for Partner Telephony Setup in Quick Find. Choose No. 6 (Set Up More Amazon Connect Features), Choose Install button in Install Managed Package section, and then Install for all users.
  2. To clone permission sets:
    1. In Salesforce Setup, search for Permission Sets in Quick Find.
    2. Clone SCC Administrator Placeholder and rename Label to SCC Administrator and API Name to SCC_Administrator. Choose Save.
    3. Clone SCC Agent Placeholder, and rename Label to SCC Agent and API Name to SCC_Agent. Choose Save.
    4. Note: If you are using profile which is less privileged than Salesforce provided “Standard User” profile, follow this step to insure user has required permissions. For each of the newly cloned permission sets, go to System Permissions. Enable the API Enabled, Create Public Links, Customize Application, Lightning Experience User, Manage Custom Permissions, View Roles and Role Hierarchy, and View Setup and Configuration permissions.
  3. To assign an SCC-AC related permission set to a user:
    1. Go to Users, choose a user’s name, hover over Permission Set Assignments and choose Edit Assignments. Select required permission set in the Available Permission Sets column, and choose the right arrow Add to move it to the Enabled Permission Sets column. Choose Save.
      1. For SCCAC Administrator the permission set is SCC Administrator.
      2. For SCCAC Agent the permission set is SCC Agent.
  4. To create the connected app:
    1. Log in as SCCAC Administrator user
    2. Run the following code in an Anonymous window (Developer Console → Debug → Open Execute anonymous window). Be sure to fill in the placeholder at the end ( with your email address.
      String generateUniqueConsumerKey(Integer length) {
      String charset =
      String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());

      // Calculate the length needed for the random part of the key
      Integer remainingLength = length - timestamp.length();

      // Ensure remaining length is positive; otherwise, adjust
      if (remainingLength <= 0) {
      return timestamp.substring(0, length);

      // Generate the random part of the key inline
      String randomPart = '';
      for (Integer i = 0; i < remainingLength; i++) {
      // Generate a random index and cast the result to Integer
      Integer randomIndex =
      (Integer)Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length());
      // Append the character at the random index to the result string
      randomPart += charset.substring(randomIndex, randomIndex + 1);

      // Combine timestamp and random part
      return timestamp + randomPart;

      String createCertificate() {
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.MetadataPort service =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.MetadataPort();
      service.SessionHeader =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SessionHeader_element();
      service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SaveResult createMetaDataResult =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SaveResult();
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Certificate certificate =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Certificate();
      certificate.fullName =
      certificate.caSigned = false;
      certificate.encryptedWithPlatformEncryption = false;
      certificate.keySize = 2048;
      certificate.masterLabel =
      certificate.privateKeyExportable = true;
      createMetaDataResult = service.createMetadata(
      new List<awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Metadata>{certificate})
      if (!createMetaDataResult.success) {
      String errorMessage = '';
      for (awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Error error :
      createMetaDataResult.errors) {
      errorMessage = errorMessage + error.message;
      throw new awsac.MetaDataApiException(errorMessage);
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.IReadResult readMetaDataResult = null;
      readMetaDataResult = service.readMetadata('Certificate',
      new String[] {
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Certificate cert =
      (awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Certificate) readMetaDataResult
      Blob certificateBlob = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(cert.content);
      return certificateBlob.toString();

      void createConnectedApp(String adminEmail) {
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.MetadataPort service =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.MetadataPort();
      service.SessionHeader =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SessionHeader_element();
      service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SaveResult createMetaDataResult =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.SaveResult();
      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedApp app =
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedApp();
      app.fullName = awsac.SCCConstants.GLOBAL_CONNECTED_APP_FULL_NAME;
      app.label = awsac.SCCConstants.GLOBAL_CONNECTED_APP_LABEL;
      app.description = 'ConnectedApp to access Interaction Service APIs';
      app.contactEmail = adminEmail;

      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedAppOauthConfig connectedAppConfig=
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedAppOauthConfig();
      connectedAppConfig.callbackUrl = '';
      connectedAppConfig.scopes =
      new String[]{ 'Api', 'Basic', 'RefreshToken', 'Interaction'};
      app.oauthConfig = connectedAppConfig;
      app.oauthConfig.certificate = createCertificate();
      app.oauthConfig.consumerKey = generateUniqueConsumerKey(64);
      app.oauthConfig.isAdminApproved = true;
      app.oauthConfig.isClientCredentialEnabled = true;
      app.oauthConfig.isCodeCredentialEnabled = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isCodeCredentialPostOnly = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isConsumerSecretOptional = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isIntrospectAllTokens = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isNamedUserJwtEnabled = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isPkceRequired = true;
      app.oauthConfig.isRefreshTokenRotationEnabled = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isSecretRequiredForRefreshToken = true;
      app.oauthConfig.isSecretRequiredForTokenExchange = false;
      app.oauthConfig.isTokenExchangeEnabled = false;

      awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedAppOauthPolicy connectedAppPolicy=
      new awsac.SCCMetaDataService.ConnectedAppOauthPolicy();
      connectedAppPolicy.ipRelaxation = 'ENFORCE';
      connectedAppPolicy.isTokenExchangeFlowEnabled = false;
      connectedAppPolicy.refreshTokenPolicy = 'infinite';
      app.oauthPolicy = connectedAppPolicy;

      app.profileName = new String[]{'System Administrator'};
      app.permissionSetName =
      new String[]{'SCC Administrator', 'SCC Agent'};
      createMetaDataResult = service.createMetadata(
      new List<awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Metadata>{app}).get(0);
      if (!createMetaDataResult.success) {
      String errorMessage = '';
      for (awsac.SCCMetaDataService.Error error :
      createMetaDataResult.errors) {
      errorMessage = errorMessage + error.message;
      if (errorMessage.contains('permission set')) {
      errorMessage = errorMessage +
      ' Please verify creation of permission set : \"' +
      '\" & \"' +
      throw new awsac.MetaDataApiException(errorMessage);

    3. Afterwards, confirm that you see SCC_PLACE_HOLDER_CERTIFICATE in Certificates, and Key Management, and the connected app awsscc GLOBAL_CONNECTED_APP in App Manager.
    4. In App Manager, find the connected app awsscc GLOBAL_CONNECTED_APP and choose the arrow in the rightmost column, then select View. On this screen, choose Manage Consumer Details. This will send a verification code to your email address. Use the code, and then copy the consumer key and consumer secret to Notepad for later use.
    5. Go to Setup > App Manager > awsscc GLOBAL_CONNECTED_APP > Manage and choose Edit Policies
      1. For Permitted Users, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized.
      2. For Client Credentials Flow > Run As, select your system admin user. Choose Save.
      3. In the Profiles section, choose Manage Profiles and check the box for System Administrator, then choose Save.
      4. In the Permission Sets section, choose Manage Permission Sets. Check the boxes next to SCC Administrator and SCC Agent, and then choose Save.