Creating and Setting Up Amazon Connect Contact Center
To create your contact center:
In Salesforce Setup, go to Identity, Identity Provider, and then Enable Identity Provider. You can select any certificate; you may need to go to Certificates and create a self-signed certificate first.
Go to Feature Settings, Service, Voice, Partner Telephony Contact Centers, and then choose New on the upper right. Select Amazon Connect (should be the only option) and choose Next.
Verify Create an Amazon Connect instance is selected. Enter a unique name in the Display Name field. IMPORTANT: If this process fails for some reason, you’ll need to enter a unique name for the Display Name every time you try again; the process will fail immediately if your Display Name/API Name match a value you already tried.
For Region, select the AWS Region you want to use for your new Amazon Connect instance.
For IAM Role ARN, paste the ARN of the ProvisioningRole you just created. Choose Next.
Select your users on the Select an administrator page (SCCAC Administrator and SCCAC Agent) and choose Done. The process of creating the contact center will take 5-10 minutes and if all goes well, you’ll see new stacks being created in your AWS account (first in IAD for the central stacks, then your instance will be created, then instance-specific stacks will be deployed in the same region you selected for your Amazon Connect instance). You’ll receive an email when the process is complete.
To prepare your contact center and Salesforce org:
In Salesforce Setup, add your user to the connected app Salesforce has created for your Connect instance for SAML login
Go to Apps, App Manager. You should see a connected app with a name <contact center name> Connected App with the display name you chose for your new contact center. Choose the dropdown button in the rightmost column for this app and select Manage. Note that there will be a connected app below this one called <contact center name> Connected App for RestAPI OAuth — ignore that one
In the Profiles section, choose Manage Profiles. Select System Administrator and Standard User, any profile you are using for contact center and choose Save.
Go to the Amazon Connect console in AWS and find your newly-created Amazon Connect instance.
Choose Flows in the left navigation menu. Scroll to Flow logs, and select Enable flow logs. This setting helps you debug flow failures.