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Common Issues and Solutions

Top Points to Verify

  • All named credentials are enabled for callouts, with awsac namespace allowed
  • SCC Administrator and Contact Center Admin/Supervisor (Partner Telephony) permission sets are added to users that wish to administrate the contact center in Salesforce
  • SCC Agent and Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) permission sets are added to users who will be used as agents in Omni-Channel
    • For chat transfers, will also need Contact Center Bring Your Own Channel User permission set (requires Partner Messaging User permission set license assignment) and Customize Application system permission (needs to be added to the SCC Agent permission set)
  • The Lightning app in use for Omni-Channel has the Amazon Connect for Salesforce utility item added, with Start automatically enabled
  • User has been added to the contact center successfully in both Salesforce and Connect, and SSO/SAML is configured correctly for them.
    • If Salesforce IdP is to be used, confirm that users have been added via profile or permission set to the SSO Connected App created by SCV setup.
    • If using a different IdP, confirm that users have been added properly to the IdP in use for Connect authentication.
  • User is set to an Active status in Omni-Channel, and Omni-Channel is able to log them into Connect successfully
  • User is staffed on the Omni-Queues in use, and these queues are mapped to queues in the Connect instance on which the user is staffed via their routing profile, with the expected Connect contact channels enabled


  • Customer cannot load SCC setup page, with error message “Page doesn’t exist” appearing
    • Ensure the user has the cloned SCC Administrator permission set applied to them
  • Step Enter imported certificate label failed
    • Check if provided certificate is imported
    • Check if provided certificate exists in scc-{AWS account ID}-bucket
    • Check if AWS Secrets Manager→SCC-Secret→CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_SECRET value has been updated


  • User cannot log into SCV, getting error “We can’t log you in. Try refreshing your browser, or ask your Salesforce admin for help”
    • The multi-IdP feature in Connect and the multi-session support feature in AWS console must be disabled and not in use; these features will prevent SCV from performing the SSO flow in its hidden frame, as they require user to interact with a webpage to select which IdP/session to use


  • Experiencing Lambda failures during the inbound contact flow
    • Potential solution: verify that the placeholder Set Contact Attributes block in the contact flow has the messaging channel’s channel address identifier filled in, and the contact flow is saved and published after updating the placeholder.
  • Messaging Session record page shows blank contents for the conversation rather than the transcript view.
    • Potential solution: Lightning app in use does not have the Enhanced Conversation widget in use for Messaging Session record page. Edit the Lightning app to add the Enhanced Conversation widget to the Messaging Session record page.
  • Attempting to send a chat attachment from Salesforce is returning 403 AccessDeniedException in console log when calling start-attachment-upload
    • Ensure attachments are enabled on the Connect instance, and CORS settings are configured on the S3 bucket for attachments that will allow access from the Salesforce org’s Visualforce domain (for the awsac namespace)
  • Attachment upload does not work as expected
    • Potential solution 1: attachments are not being represented correctly as text. Confirm that the transcript shows a URL when agent sends attachment rather than an embedded representation of the attachment content (for certain MIME types).
    • Potential solution 2: file type is not supported by Connect. Connect supports the following file types for attachments:
      • .csv, .doc, .docx, .heic, .jfif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp4, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .wav, .xls, .xlsx
    • Potential solution 3: file is too large to send. SCC-AC supports outbound attachments (sent by agent to customer) of up to 4MB and inbound attachments (sent by customer to agent) of up to 2MB.
    • Potential solution 4: attachments are not set up for the Connect instance. Ensure you have enabled the attachments feature for your Connect instance, and that you have properly configured CORS settings on the associated bucket in S3.
    • Potential solution 5: attachments are failing upload-time scanning. If you have enabled attachments scanning in your Connect instance, ensure that the attachments are successfully passing the scanning process you configured.
  • Transfer action is not working
    • Ensure quick connects are created in the Amazon Connect instance, and that they have been added to one of the queues on which the Amazon Connect user is staffed
    • Ensure that the Salesforce user has the following permission sets:
      • SCC Agent or SCC Administrator
      • Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) or Contact Center Administrator (Partner Telephony)
      • Partner Messaging User permission set license assignment, and Contact Center Bring Your Own User permission set
      • If the Salesforce user does not have the System Administrator profile, they will also need the Customize Application system permission added to their SCC permission set (either SCC Agent or SCC Administrator)
  • Messaging components are sending as plain text
    • Messaging components are not currently supported for SCC-AC. If a messaging component is sent from Salesforce, it will be received on the Connect side as the text fallback representation.


  • Connect task contact is not created for case assigned to an Omni-Queue
    • Confirm that the Omni-Queue’s routing configuration mode is External Routing
    • Confirm that the Service Channel supporting Case objects exists
    • Check AWS CloudTrail for the StartTaskContact request, to see if there is any failure reason in the response


  • Contact routes correctly to agent in Connect, but agent work creation continually fails in Salesforce and contact is never presented to agent in Omni-Channel. Many AgentWork records are getting created for the agent and going immediately to Status=Unavailable
    • Check that agent is Available in Omni, that their SSO process is working correctly (Salesforce is able to authenticate them to Connect when they log into Omni and set their status correctly), and that Enhanced Omni-Channel is enabled.
  • Agent is continually being set to Offline status in Connect; if their status is changed to a different one (in CCP, via Connect API, or via the Connect agent real-time metrics page) it’s immediately changed back to Offline. Omni may show them as Available.
    • Potential solution: check that agent’s Available presence status includes both Messaging and Voice channels (if this is for a chat contact) or Cases and Voice channels (if this is for a Case contact)
  • Despite capacity configuration expected for an agent, when they receive a single messaging session they show in Omni-Supervisor as having 100% of their primary capacity taken
    • Ensure the routing configuration is set to External Routing model.