
Deployment Steps with CDK

Install and bootstrap AWS CDK

Please skip this step if you already have CDK installed and bootstrapped.

npm install -g aws-cdk
npm install -g typescript


Deploying CDK project

  1. Clone the repository from Github

git clone git@github.com:amazon-connect/amazon-connect-call-quality-monitoring.git

  1. Move into the directory of the stack which will deploy the resources

cd Amazon-connect-monitoring/monitoring-stack-cdk

  1. Set your CCP URL (required) and SAML URL (optional)


If your Amazon Connect requires SAML federation please provide SAML login URL in the SAML URL parameter (OPTIONAL).


  1. Please provide your Splunk endpoint including the port number in the format of: https://xyz.splunk.com:8080

export SPLUNK_ENDPOINT=https://xyz.splunk.com:8080

  1. Please provide your HEC token

export SPLUNK_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CcpUrl: The URL in the format https://*/ccp-v2.

Note that the CCP-v2 must be used.

For the Splunk URL please enter your splunk endpoint including port number eg https://xyz.splunk.com:8080

Please allow up to 45 minutes for the solution to deploy.

Once the CDK app has finished to deploy.

Once the CDK app has finished to deploy. You will see the following outputs in your terminal

ConnectMonitoringStack.CLOUDFRONTURL = https://xxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net
ConnectMonitoringStack.COGNITOURL = ""
ConnectMonitoringStack.KIBANAURL = ""

  1. Cloudfront URL you must whitelist in the Amazon Connect application whitelisting setting.

Go to AWS Console → Amazon Connect, choose the Connect instance and insert the Cloudfront URL in the application integration section by clicking on the “add origin” button.

Add Origin

  1. Click the Cloudfront URL, this should open the custom CCP website.
  2. Login with your connect user and make/receive a call
  3. Metrics will be published and visible in you the Splunk Dashboard

For more details on how to use the solution please check out the user guide.