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Appendix B: Configuring Salesforce as Your Identity Provider

Amazon Connect supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0) to enable single sign on(SSO). Salesforce can act as a single sign on identity provider to service providers, allowing end users to easily and securely access many web and mobile applications with one login. By establishing the SSO integration between Amazon Connect and Salesforce, you will be able to seamlessly login to Salesforce and the same credentials will be used to auto-login to Amazon Connect.



To complete the SSO integration between Salesforce and Amazon Connect, you need:

  1. An Amazon Connect Instance configured for SAML authentication

  2. Appropriate AWS permissions to create Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies

  3. Administrator permissions for your Salesforce Org

  4. Amazon Connect CTI Adapter AppExchange package installed and configured

Configuring Salesforce as an Identity Provider

First, we need to enable Salesforce to act as an identity provider (IdP). An IdP performs end user authentication and provides the credentials to the requesting service provider. In this case, Salesforce server as the IdP and Amazon Connect the service provider, while being embedded in Salesforce.

Setup Identity Provider & Download Metadata

  1. Log in into your Salesforce org and go to Setup.

  2. In the Quick Find field, type Identity Provider, then select Identity Provider from the result list

  3. Identity Provider may be enabled by default. If not, choose Enable Identity Provider, then select the appropriate certificate and select Save.

  1. Choose Download Metadata and save the file to your computer.

Configure the Identity Provider, Policy, and Role in the AWS Console

Next, you need to configure the identity provider (Salesforce) in the AWS console and provide access to Amazon Connect via IAM policies and roles. This allows AWS to acknowledge Salesforce as the identity provider and to provide users authenticated through Salesforce with the access required to login to Amazon Connect.

Configure the Identity Provider

  1. Login to the AWS console

  2. Open the AWS identity and Access Management (IAM) Console

  3. Select Identity providers

  1. Choose Add Provider

  2. On the Configure Provider screen, select SAML as the Provider Type

  1. Set the Provider Name to SalesforceConnect

  2. Import the metadata file you downloaded previously by selecting Choose File and navigating to the downloaded metadata file.

  3. Select Next Step

  4. Choose Create

  5. The Identity provider has been created

Create the IAM Role and Policy

  1. Login to the AWS console

  2. Open the AWS identity and Access Management (IAM) Console

  3. Select Roles, then choose Create role

  4. Choose SAML 2.0 federation

  5. In the SAML provider dropdown, select the provider you just created, which should be named SalesforceConnect

  6. Select the radio button for Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access. The Attribute and Value fields should auto-populate

  1. Select Next: Permissions

  2. On the Attach permissions policies page, select Create policy. This will open a new browser tab.

  3. Choose the JSON tab to switch to the JSON editor

  4. Replace the existing JSON with the following:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "connect:GetFederationToken",
"Resource": [
"**YOUR ARN**/user/${aws:userid}"
  1. Replace **YOUR ARN** with the ARN of your Amazon Connect instance. To find your Amazon Connect instance ARN:

  2. Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to Amazon Connect Console

  3. Click on the name (alias) of your Amazon Connect instance

  4. Copy the Instance ARN and paste it to your computer's notepad (you will use it in a few places)

  5. Choose Review policy

  6. Set the Name to SalesforceConnectPolicy

  7. Select Create Policy

  8. Once the Policy has been created, close the tab, go back to the original (Role) tab in your browser and select the Refresh button (do not refresh the browser)

  9. In the search field, enter SalesforceConnectPolicy and select the box to attach the policy.

  1. Choose Next: Tags and set tags if desired, then choose Next: Review

  2. Name the Role SalesforceConnectRole and provide a description if you like

  3. Select Create role

Complete the Base Salesforce Configuration

Next, you need to configure a Connect App in Salesforce and provide further configuration to complete the SAML integration.

Create the Connected App in Salesforce

  1. Log in into your Salesforce org and go to Setup

  2. In the Quick Find field, type Apps and select Build->Create->Apps

  3. Select New Connected App

  4. Provide a name for the Connected App, such as AmazonConnectSAML, then press tab and the API Name should auto-populate

  5. Provide an email contact address

  1. In the Web App Settings section, choose Enable SAML

  2. Leave Start URL empty

  3. Set Entity Id to the same name that you gave the Identity Provider in the IAM console, which should be SalesforceConnect

  4. Set ACS URL as

  5. Set Subject Type as Persistent ID

  1. Choose Save. The screen should refresh and the new Connected App should be displayed

  2. Scroll down to the Custom Attributes section and select New

  3. Set Key as

  4. Set Value as $User.Email

  5. Select Save

  1. Select New again to configure another custom attribute

  2. Set Key as

  3. The Value is going to be a combination of the Indentity Provider and IAM Role ARNs.

    a. In a new tab, open the AWS identity and Access Management (IAM) Console

    b. On the left navigation, select Identity providers

    c. Select the Identity provider you created earlier, which should be named SalesforceConnect

    d. Copy the Provider ARN to your computer's notepad

    e. Return to the IAM console and select Roles

    f. Select the Role you created earlier, which should be SalesforceConnectRole

    g. Copy the Role ARN to your computer's notepad

    h. Format the combined value as follows:

    'Identity Provider ARN' & ',' & 'Role ARN'

    i. Paste the formatted value into the Custom Attribute Value

  4. Select Save

  1. At the top of the Connected App description, select Manage

  2. Scroll down to the SAML login Information section

  3. Copy the IdP-Initiated Login URL to your computer's notepad

  4. Scroll down to find the Profiles section, then select Manage Profiles

  5. Select a profile from the list, for example System Administrator for testing purposes

  6. Choose Save

  7. Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to IdP-Initiated Login URL that you copied in an earlier step

  8. The browser will redirect to AWS Console and log you in automatically as a federated user Note: you may be able to see AWS services, but you should have no configuration rights.

  1. The Federated Login consists of the Role name and your Salesforce email address.

  2. Initial validation is complete

Complete the Amazon Connect Configuration

The last step in the SAML setup is to add users to Amazon Connect that exist in your Salesforce org, then validate login. It is critical that the usernames for both platforms match exactly.

Add Users to Amazon Connect

  1. In a new browser tab, login to the AWS console

  2. Open the Amazon Connect Console

  3. Select the name (alias) of your Amazon Connect instance

  4. Choose Log in for emergency access

  1. Within the Amazon Connect administration portal, select Users then choose User Management

  2. Click Add New Users

  3. Leave Create and setup a new user selected and choose Next

  4. Complete the First and Last name fields as appropriate

  5. Set the login name to match the Email Address of your Salesforce user

  6. Set the Routing Profile. In this example, the default Basic Routing Profile is shown

  7. Set the Security Profile. In this example, Admin is shown

  1. Select Save

  2. Select Create Users

  3. Repeat this process as required for your staff

Final Configuration for the Lightning Experience

Now that all of the underlying pieces are in place, the last steps are to create the Amazon Connect Single Sign On URL and validate that it works correctly, then configure the Lightning CTI adapter and login the agent.

Create the Amazon Connect SSO URL

You create the Amazon Connect SSO URL by combining the IdP-Initiated Login URL that you copied earlier, and a relay state URL that will redirect the authenticated user to your Amazon Connect instance.

The 'RelayState' will be in the following format (replace us-west-2 with the region you are using):
  1. To begin, format the relay state URL by replacing InstanceId with your Instance Id. To find your Amazon Connect Instance Id:

    a. Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to the Amazon Connect Console

    b. Click on the name (alias) of your Amazon Connect

    c. From the Instance ARN, copy the portion after the '/'. This is the Instance Id

  1. Concatenate the 'IdP-Initiated Login URL' and the 'RelayState', by combining the two with "&RelayState=" in between, for example:
  1. This is the Final SSO URL, needed for the Amazon Connect Lightning CTI Adapter Configuration.

  2. To validate this URL:

    a. Open a new tab in the same browser that you are logged into Salesforce

    b. Paste the fully concatenated URL into the new browser and press enter

    c. You should automatically login and be redirected to the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel.

  3. Once you validate the full URL, you are ready to add it to the Lightning Adapter

Configure the CTI Lightning Adapter in Salesforce For SSO

Now we are ready to complete the last step in the configuration process: Adding the SSO settings for Salesforce to the Lightning Adapter. This will configure the adapter to authenticate via SSO and redirect to the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel once authentication completes.

  1. Log in into your Salesforce org and go to the Service Console

  2. Expand the navigation menu by selecting the down arrow and choose AC CTI Adapters.

  1. Select ACLightningAdapter

  2. Scroll down to the Single SignOn (SSO) section and choose the pencil icon of either field to edit

  1. For the SSO Url, copy the first part of the SSO URL that you created previously, up to the first question mark (do not copy the question mark), for example:<b>InstanceId</b>?destination=%2Fconnect%2Fccp

  2. Paste this portion of the URL into the SSO Url field

  1. For the SSO Relay State, copy everything AFTER the question mark (do not copy the question mark), for example:<b>InstanceId</b>?destination=%2Fconnect%2Fccp

  2. Paste this portion of the URL into the SSO Relay State field

  1. Choose Save

Note: With the new Amazon Connect instance urls (* you must put the full URL into the Amazon Connect Instance field in the AC CTI Adapter record for SSO to work. Ex: using instead of my instance.

  1. Refresh your browser to make the changes take effect

    a. NOTE: If you receive a blocked popup warning, select the warning and change the setting to always allow popups from your Salesforce org, then refresh the browser again

  1. Select the phone icon in the console toolbar to open the CCP Note: You may also receive popups to allow notifications and microphone access. Please accept both.

  2. Click the Sign into CCP button

  3. You should now see the authenticated and logged in CCP

Configuration is complete