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Setup Attachments

  1. Go to the Amazon Connect console in AWS and select your Amazon Connect instance.
  2. Onboard to attachments storage
    1. Choose Data storage on the left navigation, and then choose Edit in the Attachments section.
    2. You can create a new S3 bucket for attachments here — note that only lowercase letters, hyphens, and dots are allowed, and the bucket name must be globally unique across all AWS accounts. You can leave encryption and scanning off.
    3. After choosing Save, go to the S3 console and choose the name of the bucket. Choose the Permissions tab and scroll to the bottom.
    4. Choose Edit in the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section. Enter the following CORS policy and choose Save changes.
      "AllowedHeaders": [
      "AllowedMethods": [
      "AllowedOrigins": [
      "ExposeHeaders": []
      Access to put and get files will be automatically controlled by Amazon Connect (and additionally, via any additional policy you apply to the bucket and its contents) regardless of the CORS policy applied, but for the AllowedOrigins policy you may specify just the Visualforce domain for the awsac namespace instead of a wildcard value. For a Salesforce org with domain MyDomainName, the value should be (or .[scratch | develop | demo | sandbox | trailblaze] depending on your org type).

Set the messaging channel definition to use text representations for message content

  1. In Salesforce Setup, go to Environments > Deploy > Deployment Settings.
  2. Check the box that says Allow deployments of components when corresponding Apex jobs are pending or in progress, and choose Save.
  3. From Setup, choose the gear at the upper right and choose Developer Console.
  4. Choose Debug menu > Open Execute Anonymous Window and check Open Log.
  5. Send the payload to represent attachments as plain text.
    1. Execute: (new awsac.SCCStaticContentTextCapabilityScheduler()).execute(null);
    2. When the log entries come up, scroll to the bottom and look for a line like Capabilities request to set text format for static content was successful.

Attachment Limits

File size

SCC-AC supports

  • Outbound attachments (sent by agent to customer) of up to 4MB in size
  • Inbound attachments (sent by customer to agent) of up to 2MB in size

File type/extension

SCC-AC supports the same set of attachment file types supported by Amazon Connect. Attachments with file extensions or types not on this list will not be able to be sent or received using SCC-AC or Amazon Connect.

Salesforce may allow larger files, or other file types not on this list, to be uploaded by the agent, but the Amazon Connect chat customer will not be able to receive them.